A Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit Treetip: Amazon RDS Proxy

by Joseph Brady, Director of Business Development at Treehouse Software, Inc. and Dan Vimont, Director of Innovation at Treehouse Software, Inc.


As mentioned in several Treehouse blogs, our innovative offering, Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit (TDT), provides the turn-key solution for rapidly transferring data from Kafka into advanced Analytics/AI/ML-friendly targets, such as  SnowflakeAmazon RedshiftAmazon Athena/S3Amazon S3 Express One Zone Buckets, as well as Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL.

This blog focuses on TDT’s utilization of Amazon RDS Proxy, a brilliantly designed, fully managed, and highly available database proxy for Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS). RDS Proxy is the ultimate “traffic cop” that makes applications more scalable, more resilient to database failures, and more secure.

When TDT targets Amazon PostgreSQL, RDS Proxy auto-maintains a pool of connections to PostgreSQL, which ensures the target does not become overwhelmed during times of massive data flow. Additionally, there is no need to provision or manage any additional infrastructure to begin using RDS Proxy.


Amazon RDS Proxy Use Cases…

Applications that support highly variable workloads may attempt to open a burst of new database connections. RDS Proxy’s connection governance allows customers to gracefully scale applications dealing with unpredictable workloads by efficiently reusing database connections.

    • In the TDT context, our Lambda-based infrastructure autoscales up and down in alignment with dataflows, and the RDS Proxy responds by brilliantly managing any increased and decreased connection requirements.

Applications that frequently open and close database connections. RDS Proxy allows customers to maintain a pool of database connections to avoid unnecessary stress on database compute and memory for establishing new connections.

    • As TDT’s autoscaling results in Lambda instances being spun up or shut down, the RDS Proxy maintains stability with its well-managed connection pool.

Applications that can transparently tolerate database failures without needing to write complex failure handling code. RDS Proxy automatically routes traffic to a new database instance while preserving application connections.

    • Treehouse strongly recommends that customers take advantage of multi-AZ configurations of their RDS databases, which can be fully leveraged by RDS Proxy to assure continuity of service in the event of AZ-specific outages.

Applications that need extra security, including option to enforce IAM based authentication with relational databases. RDS Proxy also enables customers to centrally manage database credentials through AWS Secrets Manager.

    • This a great feature of RDS Proxy:  TDT requires no access whatsoever to database security credentials, instead letting RDS Proxy (in concert with IAM security and AWS Secrets Manager) manage everything to provide state-of-the-art, best practices security for your target database.

VIDEO – Introduction to Amazon RDS Proxy:

TDT is a self-contained, turn-key solution that eliminates months (possibly years) of research and development time and costs, and customers can be up and running in minutes. With TDT, customers are assured of high-speed and massive data movement that strictly adheres to AWS’s recommended use of massively scalable bulk load utilities, as well as Amazon RDS Proxy for the most efficient and secure connectivity. This adherence to AWS’s best practices is one of TDT’s primary differentiators from other “connector” offerings on the market.

Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit (TDT) is Copyright © 2024 Treehouse Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit (TDT) is Copyright © 2024 Treehouse Software, Inc. All rights reserved.


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TDT: Much more than a mere “data connector” for Snowflake

by Joseph Brady, Director of Business Development at Treehouse Software, Inc. and Dan Vimont, Director of Innovation at Treehouse Software, Inc.


Over the past few months, we have been rolling out information on Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit (TDT), a state-of-the-art, fully automated offering for data transfer from Kafka pipes to Analytics/ML/AI frameworks.  TDT is a set of proprietary microservices that assures highly-available, auto-scalable, and event-driven data transfers to your data science teams’ favorite analytics frameworks, such as Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Amazon Athena/S3Amazon S3 Express One Zone Buckets, as well as Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, all the while adhering to AWS’s and Snowflake’s recommended best practices for massive data loading. Make no mistake, TDT is MUCH more than merely a “connector”.

In this blog, we will focus on how TDT handles data transfers to perhaps the most complex environment: Snowflake.  Out of all TDT functions and features, our Snowflake connectivity offers the biggest “value added” to customers, because Snowflake has quickly become a top choice for enterprises looking for a Cloud platform onto which they can mobilize data at near-unlimited scale and performance, and bring advanced ML/AI capabilities.

Snowflake overview video…

Connectivity using Snowflake’s best practices vs. traditional ODBC…

TDT’s innovative Lambda-based (microservices) approach enables faster data flow than any conceivable ODBC-based solution, which is the standard tool used for most “roll your own” approaches, or “we have a connector for that” offerings.  

To load massive quantities of data to a target, TDT uses Snowflake’s (hugely scalable) bulk load utilities—not ODBC. It is vital to note that Snowflake is NOT a relational (OLTP) database, so doing CDC transfers to these targets via ODBC (with update, insert, delete transactions) goes directly against “best practices” advice from Snowflake, and would almost assuredly result in unwieldy bottlenecks.


TDT loads data into Snowflake’s “delta tables”, which inherently retain the entire history of source data ever since the source-to-target synchronization began (perfect for time-based trend/predictive/prescriptive analytics). Again, TDT adheres to Snowflake’s best practices recommendation for pulling data from S3 for bulk loading massive quantities of data…


Publishing both bulk-load and CDC data to a reliable and scalable framework like Kafka allows you to maintain a broad array of options to ultimately feed your legacy data to any number of JSON-friendly ETL tools, target data stores, and data analytics packages (some of which have not even been invented yet!). 

The “build vs buy” question is put to rest…

The Snowflake-proprietary target DDL/metadata/resources that TDT automatically produces for the staging of data in Snowflake are of such complexity that it is easy to justify the “buy” option in the “build vs buy” conversations customers have. A decision by an enterprise not to use TDT, but instead to build its own Kafka-to-Snowflake solution, could result in any or all of the following:

  • accumulation of technical debt
  • extensive/unpredictable time to production
  • ongoing resource planning to maintain home-grown technologies
  • potential vendor lock for maintenance of custom-made technologies designed and developed by consultants
  • managing a mix of manual and automated functions
  • tracking cobbled together components created by multiple staff and consultants
  • limited agility for future customization and innovation
  • problems adhering to evolving best practices over time
  • higher costs for future growth/scaling
  • potential lack of proper security/ongoing security updates
  • your organization has now become an enterprise software development company, whether or not you intended that, and whether or not you realized that!

Simply put, TDT is a self-contained, turn-key solution that can eliminate months, or years, of research and development time and costs. With TDT, high-speed and massive data movement to Snowflake takes minutes to ramp up.

Download the TDT AWS Partner Solution Brief to share with your team…


Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit (TDT) is Copyright © 2024 Treehouse Software, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Contact Treehouse Software today for more information or to schedule a product demonstration.

So, You’ve Managed to Start Streaming Your Legacy Data into Kafka Pipelines… Now What?

by Joseph Brady, Director of Business Development at Treehouse Software, Inc. and Dan Vimont, Director of Innovation at Treehouse Software, Inc.


Treehouse Software is helping customers modernize their valuable enterprise data on Cloud and Hybrid Cloud environments without disrupting the existing critical work on their legacy systems. However, a new strategic imperative has been added to the modernization game—the requirement to utilize today’s advanced Analytics/AI/ML-friendly platforms, such as Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Amazon Athena/S3, Amazon S3 Express One Zone Buckets, as well as Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL, where an ever-expanding array of AI/ML tools are available to generate vital insights from the customer’s data. Many of these customers are already using software tools provided by Treehouse, or other vendors to replicate their data into various target data stores, but also more crucially into Kafka pipelines (i.e., Amazon MSK, Confluent, etc.). Kafka is now the top choice for high-speed streaming of massive volumes of mission critical data, providing stable performance under extreme loads. This is especially valuable for enterprises that require up-to-the-second data delivery for use cases that include e-commerce, financial services, logistics, telecommunications, and government IT.

Traditionally, Treehouse customers utilized our data replication technologies to load legacy data into Kafka pipelines, and that was where our involvement generally ended…


However, once Kafka is designated as a target in the customer’s architecture, we have increasingly become involved in two questions: “What now?”, and/or “What is the best mechanism for us to rapidly transfer data from Kafka to advanced analytics platforms?” Our answer: Look no further than Treehouse Software!

Treehouse Software brings a state-of-the-art, fully automated offering for data transfer from Kafka pipes to Analytics/ML/AI frameworks: the Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit (TDT).  TDT is a set of proprietary microservices that assures highly-available, auto-scalable, and event-driven data transfers to your data science teams’ favorite analytics frameworks, all the while adhering to AWS’s and Snowflake’s recommended best practices for massive data loading, thus assuring shortest and surest loads. Additionally, TDT provides a frictionless and instant implementation, accelerating your path to deep data insights for optimizing business processes.

Why do AWS’s and Snowflake’s best practices recommend against using ODBC?

Your data science teams need large quantities of the very latest data in near-real-time, and ODBC doesn’t really do the job, offering only single-threaded, difficult to scale pipes. By contrast, TDT’s approach not only keeps things up-to-date faster than any conceivable ODBC-based solution, but the “delta tables” into which it loads data also inherently retain the entire history of source data ever since the source-to-target synchronization began (perfect for time-based trend/predictive/prescriptive analytics).  To load massive quantities of data to a target, TDT uses the target vendors’ (massively scalable) bulk load utilities—not ODBC. It’s vital to note that Snowflake and Redshift are NOT relational (OLTP) databases, so doing CDC transfers to these targets via ODBC (with update, insert, delete transactions) goes directly against “best practices” advice from the vendors, and would almost assuredly result in unwieldy bottlenecks.

What if my data is not on a mainframe?

No worries. Treehouse Software’s messaging is primarily mainframe-centric, since that has been our area of expertise and bread-and-butter for over 40 years. However, data movement is data movement, and if your mainframe, or non-mainframe, data is being pumped to a Kafka pipeline, TDT will take it from there. When a data replication tool publishes both bulk-load and CDC data in JSON format to a reliable and scalable framework like Kafka, it sets the stage for TDT to feed legacy data to any number of JSON-friendly ETL tools, target data stores, and the latest (or yet to be invented) data analytics packages. TDT is the turn-key solution for the easiest and fastest implementation of Kafka data transfer…


TDT allows you to quickly ramp up your data analytics game by providing a rapid flow of data fresh off your enterprise data systems.

Download: TDT AWS Partner Solution Brief to share with your team…


Treehouse Dataflow Toolkit (TDT) is Copyright © 2024 Treehouse Software, Inc. All rights reserved.


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